Atonement & Forgiveness

There is a general belief that Atonement is what I do and Forgiveness is what I give & receive, to & from others.

I am led to believe that in order to attain forgiveness, I need to atone for my actions.

Forgiveness is not a pardon given by another to my Self or given by my Self to another.

Forgiveness is the attainment of being accepting of what is.

I forgive my Self everything that I require on my journey through life.

When I am accepting of what is, I see that everything is always fore given as my allowance.

I have everything that I need in every moment of time because it has been fore-given.

Atonement is not something that I do but my state of being At One with my Self.

I cannot do being at one, I am either being at One or I appear to be separate from my Soul.

Seeking forgiveness will disallow my being at oneness as it is a statement of my separation.

Knowing that I already have forgiveness requires my Self & my Soul to be at one.

At-one-ment & fore-give-ness allow my allowance when I allow my Self to be at one & forgiven.

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