
Atonement is best pronounced at-one-ment. It is an expression of the oneness or perfection of pure love. When I express a pure vibration of emotion, I am in atonement or in love.

Atonement is the attainment of a pure attribute of emotional energy. Pure attributes of emotional energy are very powerful, when I attribute them to my Self. Atonement connects my Self to my source of emotional power, which is Love.

Atonement is not something that I do but an expression of who I am being. When I express my Self as the true essence of my Soul, it is atonement. The true essence of my Soul is Love. It is the essential nature of my Soul, which is essential to my Self.

At One-ment is a state-ment of being at one with my Soul. It is an emotional state of being in alignment with my Soul and the source of my power. When I express a divine, prime or natural attribute of pure emotional energy, I am in alignment with my Soul and I am at-one-ment. I am at-one-ment when I consciously mean to be at one with my Soul.

Every vibration of pure love is undivided by either gender or polarity. It possesses both a frequency & a wavelength which are pure and in balance & harmony. Impure love has a frequency that is divided by polarity and a gender that is divided by its wavelength. A range of energetic wavelengths of emotion are divided by male or female gender or perception. Opposing perceptions of an energetic wavelength allow my perspective to be divided by male or female gender. A frequency of thought energy that is divided by polarity allows my choice of a positive or a negative experience. It is the direction and attitude of my perspective that determines the polarity of my thinking and it is the character of the emotion on which the thought is transmitted that determines its gender.

It is the gender & polarity of energy that determines whether it is favourable or unfavourable and whether I like it or loathe it, love it or hate it. Just because an energy vibration has a favourable polarity or gender doesn’t mean that it is pure or perfect for myself. Only pure frequencies of thought are transmitted on a pure wavelength of love. Pure frequencies of thought emanate from the Soul on a pure wavelength of emotion that is undivided by either gender or polarity. My Soul is a pure expression of Love.

It is the personal choice of the ego that attributes a male or female gender to an emotion because of a positive or negative polarity to its thinking. Negative thinking causes negative emotion and positive emotion is the effect of positive thinking, yet neither is an expression of the perfect love of atonement.

A sin is an impure vibration of thinking caused by a false perspective of reality. I atone for my sins when I choose a third way that finds the balance between the two extremes of gender & polarity. At the balance of the extreme intensity of gender & polarity is always a pure vibration of Love & Light.

My third choice of a third way is always the balance between male & female gender, which unites a positive or negative intensity of thinking with a pure and authorised inspired thought. Inspired thoughts are empowered and neutral as they have no polarity. They are just divine thoughts which the Soul has for its Self and are always atoned with a vibration of pure love. Divine thoughts are always transmitted on wavelengths of divine emotion and therefore they always feel good.

Atonement is the attainment of a divinely inspired thought that feels pure, natural, prime & divine.

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