At One with my Power

I am ‘At One’ with my True Soure of Power when I am empowered by my Soul.

My Soul empowers my Self when I am in alignment with my Soul’s Path.

My Soul does not empower my ego to do its own bidding.

When my ego is misaligned and not empowered by my Soul, it will need will power to achieve my wants and desires.

I am At One with my Power when the gender of my emotional energy is united and whole.

When I am At One with my Power, my temperament is even and balanced.

When I am disconnected and in need of emotional power, I am at odds with my emotions and my temper is bad.

At one with my Power, my temper is good, my temperament is well, and I am in a good mood.

At one with my Power, I am independently empowered and my emotional needs have all been met.

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