At Choice with my Authority

I am ‘At Choice’ with my Authority when my choice has the authority of my Soul.

My choice has the authority of my Soul when it is aligned with my Soul’s choice for my Self.

My Soul authorises only what my Soul has authored.

My Soul has authored what is written in my ‘Book of Life’.

What is written in my Book of Life is my Soul’s ‘Wrote’ and the Destiny of my Self.

When I choose my fate, I am at the choice of my ego.

When my ego chooses without Divine Authority, it will choose my fate not my destiny.

My fate is my unauthorised version of my life as chosen by myself.

To be At Choice with my Authority, I am required to know my Truth.

I attain my Truth through a process of challenging all my beliefs that are limiting my expansive development and growth.

It is my Destiny to live my Truth and to be At One with my Authority.

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