
Ascension is a process of the Mind.

The mind proceeds to descend into a lower level of consciousness for the purpose of raising its level of awareness.

To access a higher level of awareness requires the experience of a lower level of consciousness.

The physical Earth is a contextual field that allows a low & restricted level of consciousness and, in many cases, a total lack of awareness.

Ascension is the process of raising awareness to a higher level of consciousness.

It is a journey through levels of consciousness, or relative levels of unconsciousness, that allow relative dimensions of reality.

In a singularity there is no awareness of reality because Consciousness is not aware of its Self. It has no Self to be aware of.

A duality allows the awareness of consciousness.

Consciousness & awareness become a duality in a relative world, with an opportunity to ascend to a state of being consciously-aware or attaining a conscious-awareness of a triune reality.

The Holy Trinity of the Light of the Father & the Love of the Holy Spirit allows the Life of the Son on Earth.

The authority of mental Light with the power of emotional Love allow the ability of physical Life to be lived as Heaven on Earth.

We just have to ascend to a level of awareness where this is our own reality & our personal experience.

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