Arrogance & Humbleness

Arrogance is a combination of pride, greed & wrath.

When my wrath is filled with pride or greed, I am being arrogant.

My Pride is being better or more able than another.

My Greed is being superior or more powerful than another.

My wrath is the anger that I experience when following the authority of another.

Arrogance is born of the belief that I have the authority to be more able, more powerful, more correct and therefore better than another.

My arrogance lacks humility, patience, meekness and the ability to please another.

Humbleness is a combination of the modesty of humility, the appeasement of pleasing, and the patience of meekness.

When I please another with humility and meekness, I am being humble.

Humility is the modesty of pretending to be not as good or able as I actually am and being proud of not being proud.

Pleasing is giving one’s energy for the benefit of another and appeasing their superior power.

Meekness is the patience of allowing someone else to be right and not being angered by their authority.

Humbleness is born of the belief that I am inferior to another in status, influence, authority, & ability and therefore less worthy.

My humbleness is without pride, greed or wrath.

It is fuelled by my lack of authority that is created by too much false confidence in my own limiting beliefs that belittle the power of my own ability.



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