
Appreciation is the growth of the Soul. When the Soul grows through the appreciation of its Self, the Self feels the appreciation of its Soul. The appreciation of the Soul is a very powerfully attractive attainment. When I attribute the Soul’s appreciation for its Self, to my Self, I am blessed with opportunities for growth.

Appreciation is the power of the Soul to grow its Self. As I appreciate walking in the path of my Soul, my path expands and my experience appreciates. The experience of appreciating my path, connects my Self directly with my Soul and I can feel that my being on track is appreciating my Self.

Appreciation is often confused with gratitude. When there is no distinction between gratitude & appreciation, there is no growth, just an acknowledgement of the benefit that exists right now. With appreciation, there is expansive growth in the future, whereas with gratitude, there is only an acknowledgement of what is present. I am always in gratitude for what is presented as a present and is pre-sent.

Time allows the present to appreciate in the future and allows the opportunity to experience growth. Reality grows through time in space. Space-time-reality allows the space for reality to appreciate over time. We all live in an expanding Universe, whether we believe in our own personal growth or not.

When I say that I appreciate something, I mean that I am in gratitude for the value that I receive from the experience. When I see the value that something has for myself, I am in gratitude for receiving it. My appreciation of something’s value to me is really my gratitude for the good feeling that I need from it. The positive energy that I feel from the value of the experience, I call appreciation because I believe that I need appreciation.

I need appreciation when I am disconnected from my Soul. I am not receiving any appreciation because I am not giving my Soul any attention. By the Law of Attraction, whatever I give out I automatically receive in return. When I appreciate something outside of myself, I feel the appreciation that I need to receive.

When appreciation is a need, there is no feeling of emotional power, so there is no growth. My Soul provides all the emotional power that I require to expand my spiritual growth.

In my disconnection from my Soul, I am grateful for any appreciation that comes from any external source. In this scenario, appreciation is defined as a source of external value that raises self-esteem. However, there really is no appreciation, as there is no growth, only gratitude.

Getting my need for appreciation met has value but it does not have true value. It may temporarily raise my self-esteem but it has no truly creative power. Appreciation is the feeling of truly creative power. Creativity is the vehicle through which expansive growth becomes possible.

Appreciation is the feeling of true creative power used in alignment with the Soul’s intention for its Self. Expansive growth is a true value, not an emotional need. In the absence of expansive spiritual growth, through my Soul’s vision for its Self, I may develop a need to be appreciated.

The way to permanently meet my need for appreciation is to connect with the appreciation that my Soul has for its Self, by consciously choosing my own personal path of development and expansive spiritual growth.

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