Apocalypse & Armageddon

An Apocalypse is a revelation or a ‘lifting of the veil’.

Armageddon is the ‘final battle between good and evil’.

Apocalypse and Armageddon are often confused, possibly because it will take an almighty lifting of the veil before the final battle between good and evil is fought.

The ‘Veil’ is the illusion of duality that exists in this physical world.

When the illusion of duality is lifted, I will overcome this relative dual reality existence.

When I overcome the duality of good and evil, I will fight my last battle and lift the veil that creates the illusion of relative dual reality existence.

I will then understand that fighting evil creates evil and strengthens the power of evil.

Good & bad (evil) are just opposing perspectives of the same energy. They are a duality. When I focus on one, the other becomes stronger in opposition to it.

Once I remember that good & evil are the same energy, I know that I battle in vain and the battle can never be won.

The final battle of good and evil will be declared with the understanding and acceptance of what is, not victory.

Armageddon is just one milestone on my Apocalyptic Journey of Revelation that is my Life Path and my Destiny.

An unawakened Soul that is lost and confused within the realms of relative dual reality may well see their Armageddon as a victory of light and good and an Apocalypse as an evil disaster created by the darkness.

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