Anger & Intolerance

Anger & Intolerance are both negative emotions expressed as an emotional reaction. A rational perspective may see them both as an irrational reaction or an irrational emotional reaction.

Irrational is the negative polarity of a rational perspective. Emotion is a female perception, in contrast to a male rational perspective. From an emotional perception, anger is intense or extreme impatience.

Impatience is my sub-conscious reaction to being low on emotional power. Being patient requires positive emotional energy. When I run out of emotional energy, I run out of patience and I become impatient. When my emotional power is greatly depreciated, I get angry very quickly.

From a rational perspective, intolerance is the conscious inability to be clement, lenient or merciful. Although the perspective is positively rational, it is based on a negative belief. I am intolerant of what is occurring because I believe it to be intensely detrimental to me. I am unable to be positively merciful, lenient or clement because of my negative belief in the severity of another’s behaviour.

I react in an inclement & unmerciful way when I am unable to tolerate another’s behaviour, due to my negative beliefs about whatever is occurring.

I react in an angry or impatient way when I no longer have the emotional energy to remain patient in the presence of whatever is occurring.

Due to our general lack of emotional awareness, we are mostly unaware of the cause of our emotional anger, whilst we may be totally conscious of the cause of our mental intolerance.

The antidote to both anger & intolerance is an intuitive awareness of who we are being in relationship to whatever is causing our emotional reaction.

Being unconditionally approving of others, I never get angry and being unconditionally allowing of others, I never become intolerant. Being unconditionally accepting, my own life path is never frustrated.

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