An Open Heart

An Open Heart is an open connection to the centre of my Beingness.

My Heart is at the centre of my Beingness.

When I am open to my Beingness, I am centred in my Heart.

My Heart is the core of my essence.

The essence of who I Am is at the core of my Being.

When I am open to the essence of who I am, I connect with my heart.

The essential qualities of my Beingness define my Divinity.

My Divine Essence is at the Heart of my Beingness.

When I am being my Divine Essence, I am united with my Soul.

My Soul is the Divine Essence of my Beingness.

My Soul is at the centre of my Universe.

When I am at One with my Soul, I have a Divine Connection with an Open Heart.

My Heart opens as a consequence of the state of who I am being.

United in Heart & Soul is my True Identity.

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