An Instant of Reality

Each Instant of Reality is determined by my degree of personal space in each moment of personal time.

Reality is Instantaneous.

I can change my personal reality instantly with a thought that is empowered and inspired.

Empowered inspiration requires a degree of space and a moment of time.l

In each moment of time, with a degree of space, I am able to change my reality in an instant.

A degree of space connects my Self to my power.

A moment in time connects my Self to my authority.

With both power & authority, I have the ability to create an instant of reality.

Without time or space, I will continue to create a continuous, unchanging instance of reality.

Time and space are therefore very valuable qualities in my life because they allow my personal creation of a new instance of reality, a new instant reality, and a new instant of reality.

My omnipotent power and my omniscient authority is omnipresent in each Instant of Reality.

They are relative to my personal Degree of Space in each personal Moment of Time.

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