An Eventual Life

An Eventual Life flows with time.

It proceeds from moment to moment.

It is always focused on the events of the present.

Events always occur in the ‘now’ of reality and the flow of time.

I will attain my destiny ‘eventually’.

Eventually is not my description of the future but a statement of my present.

Events in my life happen sequentially, being the consequence of my focus in each and every present moment.

The next event in my life is consequential to the present event in my life.

Focusing on my current event brings similar events to my experience.

Personal development & growth requires my better focus on events that are occurring in the present, not my focus on better events occurring in the future.

Unless I focus on events in a better way, I cannot attract better events into my reality.

My destiny will eventually unfold as my present to my Self.

I can see my future unfolding as my destiny or my fate.

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