An Elite, Supreme & Almighty Creator

Elite, Supreme & Almighty are the three qualities of a creative Creator.

Actual Creative Activity requires:

  • Elite Mental Authority
  • Supreme Emotional Power
  • Almighty Physical Ability

The quality of elite mental authority of choice, allows the flow of supreme emotionally powerful feeling, which enables the almighty strength of physical creative ability.

  • Being elite is a quality of the Mind
  • Being supreme is a quality of the Heart
  • Being almighty is a quality of the Soul
  • Being creative is relative to the quality of the Strength of a combined Heart, Mind & Soul

The quality attributes of a Strong Creator are:

  • A Wise & Fulfilled elite mind
  • A Joyful & Wealthy supreme heart
  • A Healthy & Content almighty soul

An ideally strong Creator has attained both Happiness & Wellbeing.

Strength is a quality of every Creator and the strength of the Creator determines the quality of the Creation.

  • A supreme financial system promotes the powerful influence of monetary riches, not true emotional wealth
  • An elite education system promotes authorised knowledge, not the true authority of mental wisdom
  • A religion, based on an almighty external God, promotes a virtuous dogmatic doctrine, not a physically enabled healthy perspective of life

Global control, through world domination, is the almighty aim of an elitist supremacy who are promoting destructive objectives, without any creative qualities, through the mass manipulation of the people.

An almighty, supreme, elite Individual Being has the mental capacity, emotional competence & physical ability to create their own ideal reality; without any need to control, manipulate or dominate anyone or anything.

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