An Awareness Of Consciousness

  • An Awareness of Emotion is a 4th Dimensional Perspective
  • An Awareness of Consciousness is a 5th Dimensional Perspective

An awareness of consciousness perceives 5 dimensions, perspectives or levels of the Mind:

  1. Unconscious Aether
  2. Sub-conscious Mental
  3. Conscious Physical
  4. Super-conscious Emotional
  5. Supra-conscious Spiritual

A supra-conscious spiritual awareness of one’s creative potential is a 5th dimensional attainment. This level of perceptive awareness of one’s creative potential, realises that we are each individually the creator of our own experience of reality.

What every Individual Creator is creating is the expansive evolution of their own conscious-awareness. I am creating my own spiritual awareness through the evolution of my own expansive consciousness.

The purpose of each & every individually created reality is the realised creative experience, being created on purpose. By being both the creative creator and the created creation, I am able to explore mentally, discover emotionally and experience physically, all aspects of my creative imagination.

With an awareness of consciousness:

  • I know that I am the creative genie realising the potential of my own imagination
  • Life happens ‘as me’ in my most ideal & beneficial way
  • I discover that a creator is only as good as the creations they create
  • I explore the extremes of what is creative and what is destructive
  • I experience the most divine creations of my own creation

With an awareness of consciousness, there is no such thing as a bad creator; only a bad experience from the perspective of the created Self. Everything that has ever been created is ideal, beneficial, in divine order and fit for its intended purpose. Understanding the purpose of every creation requires the conscious-awareness of its creator.

A 5 dimensional awareness of consciousness has overcome the 3 dimensional relative dual reality of good & bad and is aware of the benefits of evolving through each successive level of consciousness, with or without awareness.

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