An Avatar

An Avatar is a physical embodiment of a spiritually divine state of Being,

Being an Avatar is an ideal and absolutely beneficial way to experience physical reality. It is a state of 5 dimensional mental awareness, which embodies the oneness or unity of Sovereign Christ Consciousness.

Krishna, Christ & Buddha are three historical examples of Avatars who, having attained 5th Dimensional Spiritual Conscious-Awareness, were able to ground it in a 3 dimension physical reality.

Avatars know from their own experience that they are the Creator of their own ideal reality, whilst in physical form. They have overcome the two dimensional reality of the mental sickness of the Zombie and the 3 dimensional emotional disconnection of the Automaton. They have journeyed through their 4th dimensional awareness, as an Initiate of their own intuitive emotions to become a 5th dimensional, Sovereign Entity; who has mastered the Astral, Corporeal & Etheric Realms to become a unique Spiritual Individual, with an exclusive Identity.

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