An Aura

An Aura is an energy field.

My aura is the energy of my personal vibration.

My physical energy vibration has a mental frequency & an emotional wavelength.

My mental frequency is relative to my personal perspective of reality.

My emotional wavelength is relative to how I personally perceive or feel about my perspective of reality.

Emotional feelings always accompany mental thoughts.

They are two aspects of the same energy vibration.

My aura is an expression of my thoughts and emotions manifesting in physical reality.

How I feel about the focus of my thinking determines the purity of my aura and the ideality of my experience.

Thought is the energy of Light.

Emotion is the energy of Love.

Experience is the energy of Life.

My Aura is the experiential emotion of my thought expressed.

It is my Consciousness in a state of being actively realised.

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