An Aeon of Existence

An Aeon is a Space-Time-Reality.

An aeon has a Space and this one version of space is called a Universe.

An aeon has a Time and the period of time that an aeon has existed is its Age.

The age of our planet in this universe is measured at 4.6 billion earth years.

This means that during this Aeon of Earth, our planet has at this point in time circled its Sun and Mother Star 4.6 billion times.

An Aeon has a Reality, which is continuously changing and each major change creates an Era of that Existence.

The nature of space-time-reality is continuous change. It is the presence of both time and space that allows reality to change.

There have been many Eras of Reality, during many Ages of Time, in many Aeons of Space-Time-Reality.

My Life is but one existence, at this time, in this place, during this reality.

This experience, that is my life, is only possible within an Aeon of Existence that allows the triality of space, time and reality to co-exist in perfect harmony.

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