Allopathy & Homeopathy

Allopathy induces a condition that is different or opposed to the symptoms of an illness. It works on the premise that if the symptoms disappear the disease or dis-ease is cured.

Homeopathy treats the disease with minute doses of the same disease or illness.

  • Homeopathy stimulates an internal immune response
  • Allopathy is an external response to particular symptoms

Allopathy follows Albert Einstein’s belief that you cannot cure a problem with the same thinking that caused the problem.

Neither allopathy nor homeopathy are treating the thinking that is causing the problem.

Western Medicine has adopted allopathy as its orthodox treatment because it appears to provide a cure by eliminating the symptoms of acute illness. In contrast, it sees homeopathic remedies as an unorthodox treatment.

Neither allopathy nor homeopathy have any apparent clarity as to what is a symptom of a disease and what is a condition of self-healing. By taking away the symptoms, modern medicine may be also taking away the innate ability of a body to self heal. In its stated mission to preserve life and to do no harm, allopathic medicine appears unaware of the harm it is potentially doing to a self healing organism, by preserving (curing) acute illness in a chronic form.

Homeopathy by contrast, medicates an illness with a small dose of the same pathogen or toxin that is believed to be the cause of the illness. It recognises that the only difference between a medicine and a poison is the amount of the toxic substance that is administered. Correctly administered homeopathic remedies are not designed to cure an illness but to stimulate the body’s own natural self healing ability. The irony of modern allopathic medicine is that its two major treatments of acute disease are antibiotics and vaccinations; both of which are homeopathic treatments.

Both Allopathy & Homeopathy are alternatives to Natural Self Healing. The paradox of modern medicine is that homeopathy is considered an alternative treatment to allopathic orthodoxy, which by definition is the opposite, contrasting or alternative treatment.

The present issue with Self Healing is that it takes time and it takes emotional power. Self healing takes time because it has to overcome the resistance of a belief system that does not believe that it can heal itself.

The problem with homeopathy is that it takes time for the self healing to function and provide the placebo effect of the medication being the cure.

In a modern world that suffers from a shortage of time and a shortage of emotional energy, self healing is no longer seen as a viable remedy for illness. The symptoms of a self healing organism are seen as the tolerations that are symptomatic of the disease.

Treating illness with the time and the emotional energy that it requires to self heal, is not considered an acceptable option in a modern society that is prepared to pay for a quick fix. In practice, only once a chronic illness has become critical, with a fatal prognosis, do patients start to seek an alternative remedy or cure.

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