Alleviating Suffering

It is not my path to alleviate the suffering of others.

Suffering is a personal experience created by my indvidual thoughts and emotions.

Trying to alleviate the suffering of another will attract more suffering for us both.

Whenever I decide the intentions for another, they are never wise intentions, no matter how ‘good’ I believe them to be.

Making choices for another deprives them of their own authority, which is the path to suffering their fate, not discovering their destiny.

The only way to help others alleviate their own suffering is to assist them to see the cause of their own pain.

When I can see the cause of my own pain distinct from the symptoms that I am suffering, I can alleviate my suffering instantly.

True Compassion is not the state of wanting to alleviate the pain and suffering of others – this is sympathy.

Compassion is being in a state of having alleviated my own suffering. I am then free of suffering and free to share my passion with another.

Pain is inevitable in life – suffering is optional.

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