Allergic to Life

I cannot be Allergic to Life.

Life Just Is, whatever I create it to be.

Allergies are a symptom of toxins.

A toxic life encounters many toxins.

Toxins are poisonous to a healthy life.

Eradicating toxins is essential.

Avoiding toxins is not necessary.

The physical body is designed to eradicate all toxins efficiently.

Allergic reactions occur when my body’s ability to eradicate toxins is depleted.

I become allergic to a toxic life.

Life is only toxic because I believe it to be so.

As I eradicate the toxic life that I lead, my body is able to eradicate the toxins that are held within my physical body.

I am allergic to the fears and the limiting beliefs that create my toxic life.

An Allergic Response recognises the toxicity of the beliefs that I currently hold in my sub-conscious mind.

A Healthy Mind allows a healthy body.


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