
An Agenda is a ‘to-do’ list.

My to-do list is a list of things that I need to do to achieve my objectives. 

My agenda is the list of things that I need other people to do to achieve my objectives.

A Company Chairman is responsible for achieving the objectives of the Company.

A meeting agenda is the to do list of that company of people. It is what the Chairman needs other people to do.

The purpose of a meeting is to agree who is responsible for doing and achieving what needs to be done.

Objectives are achieved by the completion of relevant tasks successfully.

An agenda sets out the tasks that are required to achieve those objectives.

People who have their own agenda do not work well within a team or a company.

A Chief Executive who has an ulterior motive or agenda to that of the company, will never succeed.

My Soul has no agenda and no to-do list.

My Soul has a ‘To-Be’ list.

I don’t need other people to decide who I choose to Be.

My ‘to-be’ list has no agenda.

Happiness & Well-being are states of Being.

An Ego that follows its own agenda will never attain Fulfilment.

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