
Agape is pure undivided Love.

Pure undivided energy of Love has a harmonised gender, a congruent polarity, and a balanced intensity.

It is a pure vibration with a balanced wavelength & frequency.

It is Love in its purest form, without separation of division.

Agape is whole energy, often referred to as Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the experience of pure Agape.

It is my exclusive connection with my Soul.

It is a Holy Communion between my Self and my Soul.

Agape is the experience of pure Beingness, often called Bliss.

Bliss is experienced with the attainment of the pure vibration of a balanced wavelength & frequency of emotional energy.

It is the mental love of Philos combined with the emotional love of Eros, experienced in the physical as the spiritual love of Agape.

Agape is the nature of my Soul’s power, that my Self seeks to experience in physical Life.


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