
An Affirmation is the statement of a prayer.

In prayer, I affirm the emotional state meant for me.

When my prayer is asking for what I believe that I do not have, I will continue to have what I do not have and I will require patience to wait for that which I pray.

When my prayer is a statement of my gratitude & appreciation for what I already have, it is an affirmation of my joy at being fulfilled & content.

I am filled full of gratitude & appreciation for what I am presently experiencing.

I affirm my gratitude & appreciation for the present that is presently being presented.

Everything that I ever need is ever present.

It is both pre-sent & present in my reality when I affirm it to be so.

I just have to affirm that my allowance is present.

My allowance is received with gratitude & appreciation when i allow it to be so.

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