Affected, Unaffected, Immune

I am affected by other people’s emotional energy when I am attached to them for what I need emotionally.

When I need other people emotionally, I am attached to their energy and affected by their dramas.

I resonate with their negative emotions in sympathy with them.

I am unaffected by other people’s emotional energy when I am insensitive to their emotions.

When I need my space, I un-attach and relate insensitively in an unemotional way.

I am in apathy with their needs and their dramas.

I am immune to other people’s negative emotional energy when I am sensitive to their dramas yet detached from them.

Being detached is the emotional state of being unattached from needing them, whilst remaining sensitive to where they are emotionally.

With sensitive detachment I am able to observe their dramas with empathy & compassion.

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