Affect & Effect

Affect is the objective of a subjective cause.

I subjectively cause an objective affect. I affect an objective with a subjective cause. I am the subject and the cause of every object that I affect. When I am the subject of an objective, I cause the affect. When I object to the subject, I affect the cause.

When I learn a subject, I discover its cause. When I explore an objective, I experience its affect. In a world of dual reality, every cause has an affect and every affect is the result of a cause.

Physical Science studies the cause of every physical affect.

Metaphysical Scients understands super-natural effects.

An effect is created and an affect is caused. Creation is an effect that has no cause. I cannot cause creation to happen. Affect happens to me, cause happens by me and creation happens either through me or as me.

When life happens to me, I blame or praise other people for the negative or positive affect that they cause. When life happens by me, I am the cause of the affect that I experience. When life happens through me, I allow beneficial effects to occur. When life happens as me, I am the creator of the effect, I am the effective creator and I effect the creation. There is no separation either between the creator & the effect nor the creation & the effect. I am effectively both the creation and the creator. I am effective with every choice that I make and I effect change in every choice that I choose.

A choice without change is not creative. When I choose the same choice, I cause the same affect. When I change my choice, I create a new effect.

A creative effect is always positively good & beneficial.

A caused affect may be seen as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative and beneficial or detrimental because it is an objective view of a subjective perspective.

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