
Advanceage is the benefit of the wisdom of experience.

As I advance through life with age, I gain experience and wisdom.

Wisdom is my advanceage in Life.

All experiences in life can be seen as either an advantage and a benefit or a disadvantage and a detriment.

With the wisdom of advanceage, all experience becomes an opportunity to advance and grow with age.

Life is an opportunity to benefit from my wisdom.

Without wisdom there is no benefit and no opportunity. There are only problems that are always detrimental.

Lost in the chaos of solving detrimental problems, there is no opportunity for wisdom to grow.

Learning how to solve problems may increase my knowledge but it won’t increase my ability to be wise.

There is no advanceage in learning how to solve problems.

A Wise Man chooses not to have problems.

This is the Age of Advancement.

I am here to experience the benefits and the advanceage of this advanced Age, as I advance in this Age and I advance in age.

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