Adjectives & Being Adjective

Adjectives describe objects.

Being Adjective describes an experience that I am the subject of. It is how I relate to a particular experience in my life.

My relationship to Life is emotive. Life flows through my Self.

My emotional state of being describes my relationship to each experience of my life that I am subjected to.

My emotional state of being is how I am adjectively experiencing Life.

Being adjective describes my emotional state of being.

I describe my emotions with an adjective and I experience my emotions adjectively.

Being adjective is an adjective state of being that describes the subject of my experience – Me.

The subject of my experience is always my Self.

The objective of my experience is to learn and grow.

The adjective of my experience is my emotional response. It is who I (the subject) are being whilst carrying out the objective.

Ontology is the study of adjectivity.

My purpose in life is to be Adjective through my subjectivity (what I have) and my objectivity (what I am doing).

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