
Acting is the art of expressing one’s emotions.

It is the art of connecting to the action through an emotional attachment.

It is experiencing the reality of a drama.

It is a dramatic re-enactment of life.

It is expressing the personality of a character.

Emotional expression has become a dramatic art in our rational scientific world.

Real life is defined logically with rational science, whereas artistic emotion is seen as the role of an actor.

Overly emotional people are seen as drama queens.

Our society has separated acting from real life action.

However, life is not real without the drama of emotional reaction.

We are all actors on the stage of life.

We are all acting out the role of our individual character, with our own personality and our own particular attachments to life that create varying degrees of drama.

We are all realising the reality of our actions.

We are all acting out our actions with varying degrees of emotion.

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