Accidentally on Purpose

Accident & On Purpose are a duality.

What I do not do on purpose, I call accidental.

When I live life on purpose, there are no accidents.

People who know their purpose, live life on purpose.

People who are unaware that they have a purpose, believe in accidents.

Unawakened Souls believe that life was created by accident.

Where life is created by accident, it has no purpose.

People without a personal purpose believe that the purpose of life is to evolve because life evolves by accident.

They call this the survival of the fittest and believe that unfit people have accidents.

They believe the purpose of life is to survive in order to be the fittest and propogate one’s genes to further the evolution of our species.

However the evolution of our species has no perceived purpose, other than to evolve.

Apparently, accidents endanger life, make us unfit, stop us propogating our genes, but are none-the-less still part of the evolutionary process.

Unless that is, we know that accidents are just a negative perspective of what is occurring in our life and our inability to remain on-track in the fulfilment of our life purpose.

The purpose of an accident is to wake one up to one’s purpose, on purpose.

My Soul has been waking me up to my purpose for some time.

Since I have realised this, I have encountered no accidents in my life.

My Soul is accidentally on purpose, reminding me of my path.

When following my path on purpose, there are no accidents.

Everything is perfect.

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