Accident or Design

Science believes that the universe that we inhabit is the result of a quantum fluctuation that allowed everything that we see  and everything that we are, to be created from nothing in an accident of uncertainty.

Religion believes that the universe and everything in the universe including our selves was created by the design of an intelligence that is called God, and that nothing is accidental and everything is occurring as a result of God’s Will.

Science believes in the nature of uncertainty.

Religion believes in the certainty of God’s Will.

Science believes in Chaos Theory.

Religion believes in God’s Holy Order.

I believe that science & religion, certainty & uncertainty, chaos & order, are all dualities relative to physical life.

I believe that accidents are the perspective of a victim and a fatalist.

Accidents only happen to people who believe in fate and believe that they are affected by a reality that is not of their choosing.

I am not an Accident of God.

Nothing happens by accident. Everything that occurs in my reality is there because at some level of consciousness, I have chosen it and I have attracted it with my thoughts.

If I have not consciously chosen something in my reality then I have chosen it at the level of either my sub-conscious Self or at the level of my super-conscious Soul.

Everthing is the result of Consciousness choosing.

My Life has not happened by accident and my Life has not happened by my conscious design. Yet I do have a Super-Conscious Vision, Mission and Purpose for my Life.

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