Absolute Space-Time-Reality

In this present Time & Space, Science has declared our Reality to be Relative to our experience.

We live in a Relative Space-Time-Reality as defined by Science.

My experience of Life is relative to the reality that I experience.

In other words, what I experience becomes my reality and my reality creates my experience.

Science has declared that:

  • Space is not Absolute it is relative to distance. Distance is relative to space.
  • Time is not Absolute it is relative to speed (velocity). Velocity (speed) is relative to time & distance.
  • Reality is not Absolute it is relative to time. Time is relative to the reality of our age or the era in which we exist.

Space is perceived as the distance between Stars, Planets or Galaxies.

Time is perceived as the speed at which life is experienced.

Reality is a perspective of the Age in which we live or the age of the individual who is living at that moment of time.

Science has not yet connected:

  • The energy of emotional space with the magnitude of Absolute Love
  • The motion of personal time with the force of Absolute Light
  • The matter of physical reality with the potential of Absolute Life

Natural Philosophy, now known as Metaphysics or Spirituality is the study of:

“The Matter of Energy in Motion in Absolute Space-Time-Reality”.

In Absolute Space-Time-Reality:

“Space is the Power of Conscious Love, Time is the Authority of Conscious Light, & Reality is the Ability of Conscious Life”.

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