Absolute Consciousness

Absolute Consciousness is an oxymoron.

As consciousness is relative to mind & thought, it cannot be absolute. As consciousness is also relative to the awareness of feeling & emotion, it is definitely not absolute.

Conscious-awareness is relative to the mental & emotional experiences of an individual spiritual entity in a physical body. With no body, there is no experience. With no experience, there is no awareness, no consciousness, no thought, no feeling, no mind, no emotion. There is no absolute subjective objective because all objects are the subject of a subjective perception of a relative personal perspective.

When consciousness is deemed to be relative to knowledge, there is no awareness of intuitive knowing by a rational intellect. With intuitive awareness, I know that all knowledge is relative to one’s level of consciousness. As our awareness is continuously expanding our consciousness, there is no absolute state of mind, thought or consciousness. Neither is there an absolute state of heart, feeling or emotional awareness.

Absolute awareness is an oxymoron. Awareness is relative to levels of Consciousness. It is awareness that raises the level of conscious thoughts of the mind, relative to our current state of spiritual evolution.

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