Abeyance, Obedience & Obeyance

Abeyance is a gaping hole or a wide open space. A window in time.

It is an opportunity that is expected, waiting to happen or to be accepted.

A gap in space is an opportunity to grow and expand into that gap and that space.

The universe does not abhor a vacuum, it relishes an expansive opportunity.

Without a gap, or an opening , or a window in time, there is no opportunity for the expansion and growth of my reality.

Obedience means following the authority of someone else.

I give obedience to those whom I trust to make my decisions.

It is making the choice that someone in authority would make.

It is doing what I am told and obeying the master to whom I am a servant or slave.

It is confining myself within the boundaries set by other people.

Obeyance means being true to my Inner Self.

It is following the direction of my Soul and True Self.

It is obeying the direction, authority and the messages that guide and support me on my spiritual path.

Obeyance requires Faith not trust.

My obedience to another disconnects my provision.

My provision is in Abeyance awaiting my Obeyance and my Faith.

When I connect with faith and obeyance, I allow my provision to appear.

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