A Very Special Person Required

Job Title:  A Very Special Person

Scope of Job:  Personal Spiritual Development & Growth

Reports to: The Inner Coach

Job Description:  To follow an individual, unique, exclusive and special Life Path

Job Specification:  A very special, exclusive, unique and individual Self

The Mission:  To actively participate in Life by exploring, experiencing and discovering the True Value of:  Connection; Awareness; Creativity; Adventure

The Purpose:  To become the Attributes and to attain the Attainments that will allow the Vision for this Life-time to be fulfilled

The Vision:  To fulfill one’s Destiny by following one’s chosen path

Training Needs:

  •  Attributes to become: 

Accepting; Allowing; Approving; Acknowledging; Attesting; Affirming; Appreciating

  •  Attainments to attain: 

Health; Wealth; Wisdom; Well-being; Happiness

  • True Values to experience: 

Oneness with all; Equality with all, Divine Choice

  • Skills to Acquire: 

The Intuitive Senses of Seeing, Feeling & Knowing

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