A Three Dimensional Spirituality

The Three Dimensions of Spiritual Reality are Love, Light & Life.

Spirituality is the spiritual reality of energy, the real energy of spirit and the energy of spirit realised.

The spiritual reality of energy is that it has three dimensions, an awareness of which may be perceived or intuitively seen in many different ways.

How Energy, Matter & Motion are perceived, creates an experience of three dimensional reality:

  • Love is the Magnitude of Power of Spiritual Energy, called Emotion
  • Light is the Force of Authority of Spirit in Motion, called Thought
  • Life is the Potential Ability of a Spiritual Matter, called Experience

How I experience my thoughts & emotions is a matter of the motion of energy in this space-time-reality.

Space is a Magnitude of Energy with three dimensions:

  1. Is a Wavelength = a String
  2. Is a Frequency + a wavelength = a Plane or a Field
  3. Is a Vibration of a wavelength & frequency = a Magnitude of Space, the Aether

Time is a Force of Motion with three dimensions:

  1. Is Spin = a Day
  2. Is Orbit & spin = a Year
  3. Is Rotation, orbit & Spin = a Cycle of 12 Ages

Reality is the Matter of the Potential of a force of time in a magnitude of space, which has three dimensions:

  1. Is Atomic = Length of Time
  2. Is Cellular = Breadth of Space + length of time
  3. Is Organic = Height of Reality + length of time + breadth of space

Love is the Energy of Light in Motion, that Realises in Space & Time, a Matter of Life:

  1. The Energy of Love is called Emotional Feeling
  2. The Motion of Light is called Mental Thought
  3. The Matter of Life is called Physical Experience

Emotional Feeling, Mental Thought & Physical Experience are the three dimensions of a Personal Spirituality.

The Power of my emotional feeling, with the Authority of my mental thought, enables the Ability of my physical experience.

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