A Three Dimensional Creation

A Three Dimensional Creation is created by a creative creator.

The language of a three dimensional creation uses nouns, verbs & adjectives to define it as being definitely created:

  • A Creation is a Noun, a physical thing
  • A Creator is a Proper Noun, a physical role
  • Created is a Verb, a doing word
  • Creative is an Adjective, a describing word

The Creator is three dimensional:

  • The authority to create requires a Mind.
  • The power to create requires Emotion.
  • The ability to create requires a physical Body.

Creative Energy is three dimensional:

  • The Soul is the creative authority of Mind
    The Spirit is the adjective power of Emotion
    The Self is the active ability of a Body

The spiritual soul/self has the power, authority & ability of a Creative Creator to Create a three dimensional Creation.

Creativity is three dimensional:

  • Time allows the mental authority of the mind to have a range of creative choices, and to make a different choice, recreate, in every moment
  • Space allows the emotional power of the heart to manifest those choices
  • Reality allows the physical ability of the self to experience those choices, here in space & now in time

Creation is three dimensional:

  • The force of the mental frequency of authority is called a Thought
    The magnitude of the emotional wavelength of power is called Feeling
    The potential of the physical ability is a vibrational Experience

A Creative Life is a thoughtful feeling experience.

A three dimensional creation allows the creator to create a perception of feeling, by way of the mental perspective of the physical experience that is being created.

Soul is the Creator, Spirit is the Creativity, Self is the Three Dimensional Creation.

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