A Three Act Life

In Life, I am either Acting, Being Active or Taking Action.

Acting is a pretence, based on my beliefs about who I am. It is a Role that I play, based on my character. My character is my expression of my beliefs about who I think I should be, in relationship to the world.

The beliefs I Have, determine the behaviour I Do, in order to Be who I believe myself to be.

Being Active allows myself to meet my emotional needs. I am driven by what I need emotionally to be either active or passive. Activity is designed to be fun, for my amusement or pleasure. I need amusement, fun & pleasure to recharge my emotional power. What I emotionally need is a supply of emotional power and being active, or passive, is designed to meet that need for emotional energy.

The activity I Do is designed for me to Have what I need, in order for me to Be who I need to be.

Taking Action is inspired when it is driven neither by a fear nor a need. With inspiration, there is never a belief that I have to or must, nor a need that I should or ought to. I take action when I am empowered with inspiration because it feels good and I know that it is right for my Self at this time.

Taking Action is an intuitive response that has clarity of reason, with a meaningful purpose. When there is no intuitive response, I am the victim of a senseless reaction that is either acting or being active, driven by my fears or needs, for no beneficial reason or meaningful purpose.

Why take action when it feels wrong and I do not see the benefit of my actions?

When action is not inspired & empowered, how do I know it is right for me?

Who I am Being determines the emotional power that enables me to do what I do and authorises what I choose to have in my life:

  • The order of Acting is have-do-be
  • The order to Being Active is do-have-be
  • The order of Taking Action is Be-Do-Have

Acting is a problem that expresses a false pretence.

Being Active is a challenge that is possible to fail.

Taking Action is an opportunity to manifest my Choice.

Manifesting the Ideal Life of my Choice happens in the Third Act, when I take intuitively inspired action.

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