A Third Choice

Duality allows choice.

A Singularity is a singular reality that has no choice of reality.

It is a singular unchanging reality.

Duality allows the experience of a changing reality.

A changing reality allows effortless expansive growth.

It also allows resistance & contraction.

Resistance is part of the contract.

Choice allows me to resist making a choice or choosing a path of least or most resistance.

I can go forward, go backward or stand still.

I can expand, contract or be in limbo.

I can choose this or that or neither.

I can choose here or there or somewhere inbetween.

I can choose now or then or sometime never.

I can choose now here, nowhere or where now?

There is always a third choice out of a duality.

The third choice is how I overcome the extremes of a dual reality experience.

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