A Spiritual Tutor

A Spiritual Tutor :

Approves their student’s learning of the foundation of their spiritual reality.

Allows their student to remember their spiritual origins.

Reconnects their student to their spiritual authority.

Empowers their student with emotional competence.

Enables their student to see their vision.

Facilitates their student to hear their messages.

Holds the Space for their student.

Fills the Void for their student with what is apparent.

Presents their student with their present moment of Now.

Aligns their student to flow effortlessly along their path.

Encourages their student to effortlessly flow.

Praises their student for finding their way.

Reveals clarity for their student out of their chaos.

Elicits the truth of their students convictions.

Transforms their student from hoping to knowing.

A Spiritual Tutor is a Master in the Art of Magic, the Science of Wizardry, and the Miracles of Metaphysics.

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