A Spell

My thoughts and my feelings create my reality.

When I spell out my thoughts, I define them as my reality.

What I define as real becomes my definite reality.

A spell of reality is created by my thoughts, words & experiences.

A spell is never blessed or cursed.

What blesses or curses a spell of reality is my perspective of it.

I can see my reality as a positive blessing, or I can perceive it to be a blessed curse.

Whatever I spell out as my belief, I will manifest as my spell of reality.

A spell of reality lasts as long as my belief in it.

My spells have no influence on the reality of another, as another’s spell of reality has no influence on mine; unless that is, I adopt their spell of reality as my own.

A spell is only empowered to manifest when it is aligned with my higher purpose.

A spell of  creative ability is called an empowered inspiration, a passionate desire, or an effortless flow of authorised power.


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