A Solar System

A Solar System is a particular form of material reality manifest from & within the energetic universe.

The heart or centre of a solar system is a sun.

The Sun is the Soul of the solar system.

The Sun emits a frequency of Light on a wavelength of Love.

The frequency & wavelength of the sun’s vibration determines the matter of Life in that solar system.

Energetic Love & Energetic Light allow Energetic Life to be experienced in a physical realm of Body, Mind & Emotion.

A physical human body sees physical light or dark and feels physical warmth or cold.

A spiritual mind knows mental light, feels emotional love & sees physical life from an intuitive perspective.

A solar system is in continuous motion over a matter of time through the energy of space.

Our planet Earth spins, orbits the sun, rotates around the sun’s axis and revolves with the solar system as it circulates the galaxy.

Spin, orbit, rotation, revolution & circulation are the 5 galactic dimensions through which the planet earth is travelling.

Energy, matter & motion allows a time-space-reality of love, light & life.

The Sun is a matter of energy in motion that emanates light & love to form life within its solar system.

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