A Self-Cleansing Planet

Polar axis Re-alignment creates a Self-Cleansing Planet.

When the Earth’s axis is displaced or re-aligned, the poles move to a new location on the surface of the planet.

The result is a new Arctic & Antarctic Circle.

The Arctic & Antarctic Circles are significant because they both spend 6 months of each year without sunshine.

This is because of the tilt of the earth’s spin relative to its orbit around the sun.

The speed at which a new polar region freezes and an old polar region thaws is dependent on the season of the year and whether the new and old poles are situated on land or over the sea.

An axis re-alignment will create many different scenarios dependent on where one is living relative to the new and old polar regions.

The immediate effects may be world-wide flooding, instantaneous freezing, with longer term environmental changes where deserts turn to tundra and rain forests turn to desert.

Whether the polar regions are over the land or the ocean, both over land or both over sea, will determine the resultant sea-level.

The direction of polar axis displacement determines which latitudes change their climate and which longitudes remain unaltered by climate.

Whether a great Flood occurs due to a rise in sea level depends on the locations of the new and previous polar placements.

Historically it has been the most evolved civilisations that inhabit the coastal regions of temperate climates that have perished due to this self-cleansing re-alignment of the earth’s polar axis.

Thankfully it has been the civilisation that perished and not the races and species of creatures that inhabit our planet.

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