A Recipient of Life

A Recipient of Life is in a state of being that is able to receive Life.

A Recipient of Life:

  • Receives all opportunities that are presented in Life.
  • Accepts whatever turns up in Life.
  • Allows Life to present itself as a gift.
  • Knows that being Accepting & Allowing are the ‘recipe’ for an expansive Life.

When I am being the Recipient of my Life: 

  • I am allowing my Destiny to unfold.
  • I am accepting with gratitude all of the opportunities that my Soul sends to my Self.
  • I know and I am appreciating that whatever occurs is an opportunity for my spiritual development & growth.

As a Recipient of Life:

  • My Path shines brightly before me.
  • I can see the Light at the end of the tunnel.
  • I allow my Vision, Mission & Purpose for this life-time to materialise and become realised.
  • I approve of who I am being and what I am experiencing at all times.

Being in gratitude and appreciation for what I am receiving in Life allows this to be my continuing experience and allows me to continue to experience being a Recipient of Life.

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