A Quasi World

A Quasi World resembles the real world but it is not my Real World.

A Quasi World is:

  • ‘Nearly so’
  • ‘Almost so’
  • ‘Effectively so’
  • ‘Resembling but not equal to’
  • ‘Not exactly so’
  • ‘As if’
  • ‘As it were’
  • ‘So to speak’
  • ‘That is to say’
  • ‘In a way’
  • ‘In a manner of speaking’
  • ‘Namely’
  • ‘In other words’
  • ‘To wit’

In a Quasi World:

  • ‘I get what I deserve’
  • ‘It serves me right’
  • ‘Que sera sera’
  • ‘It is God’s will’
  • ‘So be it’
  • ‘It is my fate’

A Quasi World is someone else’s creation that I have chosen to live in.

My Destiny is to live in the Real World, which “Just Is”, whatever I create it to Be.

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