A Purpose

My Purpose is the reason I am here in physical existence.

The reason I am physically here is to experience who I really am.

Who I am being is my Beingness.

My purpose is to experience my Beingness.

Without the opportunity to be my Beingness experientially, I am unable to expand my Consciousness.

My life’s purpose is to experience the particular states of being that I have particularly chosen for this lifetime.

There are so many possible different roles and states of being to experience that I can fulfil many lifetimes in the pursuit of who I choose to be.

Physical Life fits the purpose of allowing my Self to experience any state of being that I choose.

It allows me to experience the reason for my purpose and the meaning of my purpose all at the same time.

My purpose is to experience my meaning with reason by being purposeful, meaningful & reasonable in all my chosen states of being.

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