A Problem-Free Life

I will never attain a Problem-Free Life by trying to solve all of my problems.

Trying to solve a problem focuses on the problem and just makes the problem bigger.

Focusing on problems never made anyone problem-free.

Being problem-free is being free of pain, free of fear and free of resistance.

Pain, fear and effort are my greatest problems in life.

Being painless, fearless and effortless is the pathway to a problem-free life.

Pain, fear & effort are the effects of a problematic life as well as the cause of a problematic life.

Solving problems is painful, fearful and hard-work.

Being problem-free is not about solving problems but about not having problems.

When I have no problems in life and I am tolerating nothing, with total acceptance of what is, I am free of all pain, free of all fear and free of all resistance.

I cannot solve pain, I cannot solve fear and I cannot solve resistance; I am required to face them and no longer allow them access to my life.

I will always encounter pain, fear and resistance as a problem when I am off track.

Hearing the messages that keep me on my path and choosing the opportunities that are available on my journey is the key to a problem-free life.

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