A Problem

A problem is a negative perspective of what is or appears to be occurring.

A positive problem is called a puzzle and is only a problem when I can’t do the puzzle.

I create my own problems with the beliefs that I hold within my sub-conscious mind.

My sub-conscious mind holds the beliefs that determine my perspective that sees a situation as a problem.

Whatever I focus my attention on, I draw into my reality. This is the Law of Attraction in action.

When I focus on the problems that may potentially occur, I manifest them into my reality.

When I have a negative outlook on life, I create a negative life full of problems.

A positive life is problem-free and effortless.

With a positive outlook on life, I have the emotional energy, the power, to manifest only opportunities for my life.

I am empowered to see whatever is occurring in my life as an opportunity.

Solving problems will never make me problem free, it just allows bigger problems to manifest.

Being problem free requires me not to have problems and to accept everything that turns up in my Life as an opportunity for growth.

Life is a puzzle to be resolved, not a problem to be solved.

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