A Pilgrim

A Pilgrim is on a Pilgrimage.

A Pilgrimage is a journey of the Soul.

It is a journey of Faith.

It is inspired by a Vision.

It is the fulfilment of a Purpose.

It is a unique Mission.

Every Pilgrimage is personal to each Individual Pilgrim.

It is not about the destination.

It is all about the Journey.

It is the fate of a Pilgrim to reach a destination.

It is the destiny of a Pilgrim to undertake the journey.

When a pilgrimage is a physical journey, it will not have a spiritual outcome.

The outcome of my Pilgrimage is the expansive growth of my Soul.

The duration of my Pilgrimage is my life-time.

A journey to the birth-place of a religious leader may or may not be a part of my journey.

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