A Nightmare

A Nightmare is a dream that confronts a fear.

A fearful dream is a nightmare.

False evidence appearing real is a problem.

The problem is that fears drain emotional energy.

They cause an emotional reaction whether I am awake or in the dream state of sleep.

When the emotional reaction is to wake up, the nightmare becomes vividly conscious.

I will continuously work through problems whether awake or asleep until I become problem free.

When problem free, nightmares become learning opportunities & dream experiences.

The problem with a nightmare is that the fear is irrational.

In a dream state, it is often impossible to rationalise & suppress the fear.

Confronting a fear in the dream removes the requirement to confront the fear in conscious reality.

Using dreams to work through our lessons can be easier than having to confront them in real life.

Dreams present & represent our opportunities in life.

Nightmares present & represent our problematic fears in life.

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