A New Year

A New Year is the start of the Earth’s new orbit of the Sun.

It takes one year for the Planet Earth to orbit its Star.

During each year, the Earth travels a distance of 584 million miles through virgin space.

In the space of 584 million miles, we all travelled one year in time.

My Reality is one year in time and 584 million miles of space away from last new year’s day.

Midnight heralds the start of a new day and the start of a new year.

A new day is a new page in my book of life.

A New Year is a new chapter in the book of my life’s journey.

Space & Time are the medium through which Consciousness expands its Reality.

In one year of time & 584 million miles of space, how much has your conscious reality expanded?

We have all entered the Reality of 2016.

How will you contribute?

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